UTIA Associate Professor Coauthors Winning Case Study for Use in International Competition
Carlos Trejo-Pech and clinical professor emerita Susan White from the University of Maryland coauthored a case study that was selected as one of six winning cases used at the 2024 John Molson MBA International Case Competition, held earlier this year in Montreal, Canada.

New UT Extension Program to Equip Cut Flower Farmers in Tennessee
Extension specialists from the Department of Plant Sciences and the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics are offering a new statewide educational program to assist current and prospective cut flower farmers with building or expanding their operations. The project team includes Natalie Bumgarner, Celeste Scott, Alicia Rihn, Rachel Painter, and Eryn Bell.

UTIA Examines Adoption of Nutrient Management Practices in Tennessee
Researchers and Extension specialists from the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture have completed a study designed to better understand producers’ use of nutrient management practices. The findings demonstrate substantial efforts in public and private investment in nutrient management practices and will serve as a baseline for tracking the evolution of environmental stewardship among Tennessee producers. The research was conducted by Chris Boyer, Kevin Cavasos, and Aaron Smith from the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Forbes Walker from the Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science.

Disadvantaged Communities to Receive Help Securing Wastewater Infrastructure Funds
The Tennessee Water Resources Research Center, affiliated with University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is partnering with the UT Institute of Agriculture, Tennessee Tech University, and the University of Memphis to implement a statewide university-utility partnership to help small and disadvantaged communities successfully apply for low-interest wastewater infrastructure loans. Higher education partners include Larry Moore with the University of Memphis; Tania Datta with Tennessee Tech University; Qiang He, Steven Hoagland, and John Schwartz from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville; and Sreedhar Upendram from the UT Institute of Agriculture.

UTIA Launches Study to Improve Market Access for Tennessee Wineries
Researchers at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture have received a grant to evaluate the feasibility of improving market access for Tennessee wineries through increased effectiveness of social media advertising. Comprising the research team are Karen DeLong, David Hughes, Alicia Rihn, and Ricky Chen.

UT Extension Partners on $15.9 Million Grant to Advance Conservation Practices
A new $15.9 million grant to partner organizations including UT Extension will advance conservation in West Tennessee by alleviating the impacts of projected urbanization and land use change. While the twenty-one-county region is rich in cropland and forestland, major new manufacturing facilities and subsequent urbanization and population growth are increasing pressure on its natural resources. Aaron Smith and Ben West are working with this program.