Forage Budgets Calculator

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The Forage Budget Calculator is designed to give Tennessee producers the ability to estimate the cost of hay or pasture. The available budget options include cool-season grass, cool-season grass with clover, summer annual, and winter annual. Each budget will include an annual maintenance table and an establishment table below. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis is provided, examining the effect of returns based on tonnage and the cost per bale.

Enterprise budgets provide estimates based on assumptions and current market prices and should not be relied upon as a reflection of all circumstances. As significant regional and seasonal price variability may exist, the provided budgets are intended to be used as a tool to assist producers in making informed decisions and annual plans after adjustments to inputs, prices, and processes have been made to reflect a specific field or enterprise to improve the accuracy of the budget calculations.

Note Regarding Security Settings: The decision-aid file contains macros (such as buttons for printing and navigation) which are essential for the calculator to function properly. Microsoft Office or Excel may display warnings about enabling macros, especially if your security settings are set to high or very high. Be sure to enable the macros in the file for the calculator to work correctly.

Download Forage Budgets Calculator

March 2025

For additional information, contact David Bilderback,

Forage Budgets publications