2024 Field Crops and Livestock Budgets Available
Publication: Seasonal Prices for TN Feeder Cattle and Cows
Publication: Basis Estimates for Feeder Cattle and Fed Cattle
Buy/Sell Margins Calculator
The buy/sell margin (the difference between a feeder calf or yearling purchase price and a sale price at some later date) is a critical component in the profitability of beef…
AREC at Pick TN Conference

The department is having a strong showing at the 2024 Pick TN Conference, held February 15-17. Our faculty and staff are speaking on topics from pricing specialty crops, starting a…
AREC Has Strong Showing at SAEA

The department had a strong showing at the 2024 Southern Agricultural Economics Association’s annual meeting. This year’s meeting was held in Atlanta, Georgia, from February 3-6. Our faculty and graduate…